Code of Ethical Conduct

RTNI believes that the breadth of its ministry is directly related to the depth and sincerity of commitment to Jesus Christ demonstrated by all board members, staff, interns, and volunteers.

Each board member, staff member, intern and volunteer should maintain real and vibrant fellowship
with Jesus Christ as his/her Lord and Savior, recognizing Jesus Christ as the only Savior and way to
the Father. Additionally, they are expected to regularly fellowship with other followers of Christ for
growth and accountability. Furthermore, all board members, staff, interns, and volunteers must reflect
a pure lifestyle in the community which includes, but is not limited to, the abstinence of the following:
-Fornication (including any inappropriate touching or sexual relationship outside the covenant of
-Fraudulent use of ministry resources
– Gossip (refraining from gossip does not mean keeping silent in harmful situations, see the
Confidentiality Policy below)
-Harassment (see Harassment and Sexual Harassment Policy below)
– Homosexuality
-Use of illegal drugs, marijuana (in any form), or the abuse of pharmaceutical drugs

RTNI esteems integrity, appropriate transparency, and openness to Christian accountability. We
recognize that all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God, but as those who have been
redeemed, we purpose to abstain from the above and seek the intervention of mature Christian
leadership at the first hint of struggle.

Other: Due to mixed views of smoking, the use of tobacco, vaping, and the consumption of alcohol
within the body of Christ and the outside world, all board, staff, interns, and volunteers are asked to
refrain from smoking, using tobacco products, using electronic cigarettes (i.e. vaping), or consuming
alcohol during ministry events or while in front of RTNI youth and children.

Harassment and Sexual Harassment Policy

RTNI strives to maintain a work environment in which all individuals treat each other with dignity and
respect and avoid intimidation, exploitation and harassment, including sexual harassment.
“Harassment” means verbal, visual, or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion
toward an individual because of race, color, national origin, gender, disability, religion, or age made
by someone from or in the work or ministry setting. “Sexual harassment” includes unwelcome sexual
advances, sexually motivated physical contact or other verbal or physical conduct or communication
of a sexual nature, such as slurs, threats, derogatory comments, unwelcome jokes, exposure to
sexually oriented literature or pictures, or teasing. Both “harassment” and “sexual harassment” are a
form of employee misconduct, which is demeaning to another person and undermines the integrity of
the employment relationship. (The same principal holds true for board members, interns, and

Board members, staff, interns, or volunteers who feel they have been subjected to
conduct of a harassing nature are highly encouraged to promptly report the matter to the Executive
Director or to the Board. Each violation of these behaviors will be evaluated by the Board or by
representatives appointed by the Board. Appropriate action will be taken up to and including
immediate termination (or volunteer dismissal).

Confidentiality Policy

RTNI’s board, staff, interns, and volunteers who are presented with sensitive information about
another staff member’s spiritual well-being, leadership/conduct, or potentially harmful personal
circumstances cannot guarantee complete confidentiality to those sharing this information. Such
information will be handled in a manner appropriate for the situation. This is primarily to protect the
overall health of RTNI and its leaders (and volunteers) from the dangers of trying to manage
potentially harmful situations in isolation.

RTNI’s board, staff, interns, and volunteers who are presented with sensitive information about a
minor’s spiritual well-being, past or present abuse (physical, sexual, verbal, or other), or potentially
harmful personal circumstances (including drug or alcohol use and suicidal behavior) cannot
guarantee complete confidentiality to those sharing this information. Such information should be
communicated with the appropriate staff member or supervisor. It will be handled in a manner
appropriate for the situation. This is primarily to protect at-risk youth and the overall health of RTNI
and its leaders (and volunteers) from the dangers of trying to manage potentially harmful situations in